Newborn Session // Owen Sound

May 20, 2017 , All

This Kate and her newest addition, Freya. Their whole little family has been so wonderful to work with, and so patient with weather They booked me for my Year in the Making package which include maternity, newborn and one year photo sessions. At our first session, Kate was 36 weeks… this isn’t what I would normally suggest as it’s pretty tight on timing but that’s what worked best for their schedules. It rained… and rained… but we stuck it out and dashed into the yard for a few moments. Just long enough to get what we needed.

Round two ~ little Freya was born. We waited a few weeks before booking this session as babies are more engaging at that point and can coo, make eye contact and interact with everyone a bit more. Fresh 48’s a pretty popular (taking photos within 48hrs of birth) and I love those as well but are more suited to doing posed newborn images with babies in baskets or swaddled in muslin and photographed in a studio. As much as I appreciate those images, my true passion is photographing connection, which can sometimes come easily after a few weeks. Although the connections photographed in the first 48hrs between parents with tears flowing can be spectacular!

Back to the moment at hand! We spend a lovely afternoon in the home, getting diapers changed and the family having cuddle time in bed. But when we stepped outside to walk along the water, it began to pour! Again!! They were troupers though and walked casually back to the car, all while letting me take photos of them in the rain. More beach photos to follow…


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