Cabot Trail Road Trip // Part 2

February 25, 2017 , All

Man, I miss these ladies.

We went to school together, studying photography at Sheridan College before moving in together. We found this incredible house one day, I was sick as a dog in the back seat and we drove around the city looking for rentals that would accommodate five young women on a tight budget. Our last stop, a row house on Dovercourt, turned out be a god send. We got the whole place for $1300/month. We pulled straws for rooms. Christine got the best one, a huge master bedroom with a balcony, Nikki got the second largest room, Kelly was on the main floor converting the dining room into a bedroom, Carolyn got the basement (so creepy) and I got the the nursery/tiny room. Our place was so bizarre and amazing. We even got featured in NOW magazine and were quoted talking about ghosts in the house. Friends slept on couches, crashed on floors. We hosted parties and went out whenever we could afford it, usually to Lee’s Palace and took a dip in the Christie Pitts Park pool on the walk home sometime after the bars closed. I think it was only a year we all lived together in that house, but with a lifetime of memories packed in. Kelly and I took off for Nepal that summer and only I returned… Four years later Kelly finally come home for good. Christine likewise left, but on a boat, returning years later as well and then off to India for another four years. My nephew was born while I was on that trip in Nepal and he’s now 11. What happened to all that time?? I retuned to Toronto, lived in that big old house with new room mates for another year, then migrated to Kensington market, working a few different jobs including art store retailer, photo assistant and wedding photographer. Eventually I landed in a little town with a handsome artist and a dog in 200 year old house full of coffee cups. Even that was a long time ago, we didn’t have kids… we had ducks, and a garden and were part of a beautiful little community.

Kelly and Christine and I still get together whenever we can. More often that I thought we would actually. Sometimes when we’re together it seems like not a day has passed, but we make (mostly) wiser choices now. We’re starting to age. It must seem silly to muse on age and time passed to those significantly older in years but its something I’m just noticing as of late.

I couldn’t narrow down this Part 2 collection of photos any farther, their sentimental value far outways their artistic merit but I’m OK with that. There are some shameless selfies, silly portraits, landscapes photographed through car windows. These photos document days of no responsibility, wind in our hair, a packed car, camp outs, sandwiches, minimal hiking, and a careless throw back to our early twenties. Can’t wait to do it all again this fall <3

Check out Part 1 here.


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